Shorts & Non-Fiction

KAKA : An ode to success

Kaka is about the rise of Mahesh Patel, a man from a small town of Gujarat, to one of the renowned millionaires of UK. This documentary is about his wisdom and resilience.

Directed by Fauzia Arshi I Produced by Daily Multimedia Limited I Presented by DML Studio’z Pvt. Ltd. I. Co-produced by Chauthi Duniya I. 32 mins

I am Kashmir & I am an orphan

Santosh Bhartiya, one of the most credible Indian journalists narrates his experiences in Kashmir. This documentary brings to fore the misery of Kashmir since many years, more so, after the events of 2016.

Directed by Fauzia Arshi I. Produced by DML Studio’z Pvt. Ltd I. Co-produced by Chauthi Duniya I 16 mins

The Lost Culture

Radio Sharda 90.4 FM, a Community Radio aimed at the welfare of the displaced Kashmiris is the first licensed community radio from J&K. Radio Sharda strives to revive the cultural ethos of the Kashmiris. The Programming content on Radio Sharda is in Kashmiri, Dogri, Punjabi, Others (Gojri, Bhaderwahi and Ladakhi).

Fauzia Arshi presents The Lost Culture, a study on Racism made by a team from AJK Mass Communication Research Center.

The Gora Complex

The Indian obsession with FAIR complexion in the Indian psyche borders ludicrousness. The pressure on a woman to birth a fair child to the hordes of fairness creams that guarantee a change in your destiny by changing your complexion. Why the obsession? Why for girls? We seek to explore how it becomes a game-changer when marriage is in question.

Fauzia Arshi presents Gora Complex, a study on Racism made by a team from AJK Mass Communication Research Center.

Kashmiri Pandits : Life Post Migration

Kashmiri Pandits, after 1990, have migrated to different parts of India. In this video, a migrant family talks about the challenges of forced migration and the pain of the dilution of their traditions.


Bhand Pather are the entertainers from Kashmir region (India) who perform stories about the lives of Sufis and Rishis or more contemporary real or fictional figures. The stories (or pathers) are often humorous and satirical, and farce is an essential component of the plays. Most bhands belong to families that are engaged in folk entertainment as their hereditary profession, their specific art forms vary greatly by region, community and language.

Fauzia Arshi presents Bhand Pather, a study on Racism made by a team from AJK Mass Communication Research Center.

India vs Pakistan : What India thinks of Pakistan

What comes to an Indian's mind after hearing the word Pakistan? Watch the interesting reactions in this documentary.