International Marketing Management

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Title : International Marketing Management
Author : Fauzia Arshi
Publisher : Quality Publishing Company
Genre : Academic
Subject : Marketing
Price : INR 895
Language : English
Available as : Hardcover

The Book

This book is based on the syllabus of UGC for all the management institutions in India for the students of MBA, MCom, MMS, BMS, BBA, B.Com and other Management Diploma Courses.

The book details concepts of  international marketing, economic, political and geographical environment of global marketing. The topics like product segmentation planning, pricing packaging, and advertising are explained through examples and case studies

A book speaks of international law, international institutions including all the legal aspects, Acts and documentation in global marketing. Latest information and data are covered in various chapters.

The author has made the subject of  ‘International Marketing Management’ extremely interesting in this book.

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